Client creation in SAP
Client creation in Sap basis is very easy step and do all very quickly and it is the GUI based software so we need only attraction between SAP that all. first of all login our master user name with password. then go to execute the transaction code(t- code) in required field. Creating client in MNC is important role to adding employees. OK any way now going to discuss this topic clearly.
1. Execute the t code in required field t code is scc4. After execution this code show one dialog box.
2. After that one window appear, then press the ctrl+F1 press or pencil icon press.
3.This is show another dialog box this shown is very simple new entry press F5 or press the new entry icon.
4. new entry details of added entries shown now then you have fill the client required information such as client number,city, currency, client role etc then press save
note: if data is incorrect means data cannot be saved. so correct information is required.
5. After saving of our data cancel current page then execute again scc4 then see our client creation name.
Thank you have a nice creation!!! Looking our comments below (clarifications)