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Thursday 7 May 2015

How do create local client copy in sap basis

                   Hi today we are going to see the how do create a local client copy in sap basis. This is the basis one , no modification in master data so we are going to copy default client then this default client can be copied to our database. This is the step by step procedure for copy the local client copy.

Step1: Our aim is to copy the client to client so, you have to log on our master login with our password. my point of view i set source instance client= VRK --212, target instance client =VRR - 202.

Step2: Afetr the login our details you have to enter t code sccl  --> local client copy

Step 3: after enter login details then below dialog box will appear. Enter the source client and their details with our convenience.
Step5: Then you to choose the execution process, there are three types of execution is there background execution, parallel execution, you have to choose any other option based on our requirement. then our dialog window below appear.
Step6: after excute our of local client copy then see our logs in tcode scc3

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